I love to travel, and I hope I can share some of my fun and enjoyable trips with other that love independent travel.

I started traveling while working as a  Fashion Design and Importer.  Having  offices in India and  traveling overseas 5 to 6 times per year to design, check production and finalize payments with vendors gave me the opportunity to meet and enjoy all that these countries had to offer.

Furthermore, having imported from the Philippines, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Japan, Indian, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Sri Lanka the knowledge of sharing the creativity in these other countries is something I would like to share. 

My desire to explore each country and experience the culture, food and dynamics of the people is a passion that has led me around the world many times.

My travels have taken me to 106 countries so far, and I intend to continue my explorations and share them with you.

Hopefully, my trial and error methods of traveling will help others in their desire to explore the world.